Monday 29 June 2020

"Online Learning vs Face to Face Class" What I prefer?

Hi everyone..What are you doing now? I hope everything goes well for you and people around you. I think it's been a while since I've updated any important information on this blog.

     As everyone knows, starting June 24, 2020, schools have been open to allow students that have to sit for important exams such as (SPM) to conduct a school session. However, there are some students, especially university students who are not yet allowed to return to their colleges and continue to study online distance learning (ODL) in their homes. So today I'm going to talk about "Online Learning vs Face to Face Learning". I also will state which want that I prefer and the reasons of my choice. So, let's start!

     Firstly, I will define the meaning of online learning. Online learning is education that takes place over the Internet. It is often referred as “e- learning” among other terms. However, online learning is just one type of “distance learning” which is a learning that takes place across distance and not in a traditional classroom. From this simple definition comes an almost infinite number of ways to teach and learn outside of traditional classrooms and away from college campuses. With online education, students can turn anywhere with Internet access and electricity into a classroom. It can include audio, video, text, animations, virtual training environments and live chats with professors. It’s a rich learning environment with much more flexibility than a traditional classroom.

      If we want to make a comparison between the two options we must know what the differences of them such as its advantages and disadvantages. With knowing this things, it will make us easier to make a choice. So, next I will explain about the advantages of online learning and the disadvantages or difficulties that may be encountered by students that have to study online learning or e-learning throughout this semester.

     There are some advantages of online learning such as give comfort to you. Why I say online learning will give you comfort is because we can learn no matter where we are. you don't have to attend classes for hours, sitting in an uncomfortable chair, and suffering from back pain by the end of the day. You don't need to get up early in the morning to get ready and take the bus to go to class that far from college. You also don't have to rush to buy food that you need to get in line that will make you waste your time there. You also don't have to think about time if you want to do something because you worried that you don't have time to go to the next class.

       This is because, if you undergo online learning you only have to open your laptop or phone then access to the class you want to attend. However, online classes also have the time you need to attend but it's easier and safer because you don't have to queue to buy food or take the bus. All lectures and needed materials are provided via online platforms, so you’ll easily access them from the comfort of your home. The list of conveniences will goes on and on.
     The other advantages are lower the cost. The fact that online programs are cheaper when compared to the ones held in a traditional campus setting. This is because the fees is not include the charge of the public equipment or the facilities that we use at the university. For example, if we want to go to class we will use bus even though the bus we took was free, but actually we was paid the charges for the bus because it was included in the university fee. Other equipment such as gym, library and more are included in university fees. Imagine if we were study at home, we wouldn't have to spend the money to pay for that equipment since we didn't use it. The fees will be lower as students will only have to pay for lectures and notes.

        As we know, the university does not provide many places for students to stay in college. So there are some students who have to rent outside of university. This will increase the budget needed each month as they will have to pay for rent, electric bill of rent house and even for transport to go to class. So, if learning is conducted online, these students don't have to rent a house near college to go to class because they just need to study at home that the live with their family.

        Next, the advantages of online class are it more flexible. This is because you can study any time you want. As I said above, you also have the lecture time that your lecturer has set, but if you study by online learning, you can record the lecture that give by your lecturer so you can listen again if you don't understand about the topic. This is because, the example of online learning platform is google meet, zoom, Microsoft team, webex and the others that allowed you to record the live. If learning is done face to face students cannot ask to repeat what they have learned as learning in the classroom is limited to the time frame as the class will be used by other students as well. So, studying online makes it easier to listen to a lecture given.

         You can also manage the time at your convenience. This is because, you don't have to wait at the faculty to go to the next class, but you can use the time between classes to help parents at home and spend time like eating with them. However when it comes time to start class you should always be ready to go to class but you only need time if there is a class that you need to attend if you do not have the time for class you can use the time between class to complete the tasks yourself.

        If there are advantages then there is definitely have disadvantage of this option. So if you continue reading this update you will know the advantages of online learning that I will explain in more detail. The first disadvantages of online learning is make you easier to procrastinate your work. Procrastination will chop you to bits in an online course. There is no one to tell you to get to class on time. There is no one reminding you that assignments are due or that exams are coming. There is no one to preach to you, beg with you, plead with you to stay on top of your coursework. It's easy to put off reading and assignments in the online environment. Before you know it, weeks have gone by, you haven't done any homework and it's exam time. Scary bad. Creepy anxious. Too real.

         This procrastinate habit also influenced by the environment. If you are in college or university you will have a learning environment that will make you eager to complete you work on time but this home environment will make you become easier to procrastinate your work because you do not have friends who will stay up together until late night to get the job done. As usual doing individual work will make you bored and lazy to start the work that needs to be completed.

       The next disadvantages of online learning is internet connection problem. This is one of the biggest problem of online learning. I think if you have internet connection problem at your home area, this online learning is a difficult or impossible lesson for you. This is because, online learning is a platform learning that requires good internet connection to be able to stay connect with your lecturer. If you faced this problem it will make you miss out on learning.

       The other disadvantages of online learning are it requires a good grasp of tech skill. Learning from a website, blog or whichever online platform requires you to understand online technology. It is not just about knowing how to start your computer and getting to the site. You need to know how to navigate the screen. This is very easy for people who are always online on different sites. They can figure out how to manage around a video, task or text. Without such skills, online learning becomes stressful.

         Lacks the warmth of face to face interaction also one of the disadvantages of online learning. As we
know, learning in a physical classroom is interesting and more involving as human interaction is present. 
There are classmates to connect with and an instructor to consult for immediate feedback. If you have
any problems in the classroom there will still be lecturers who will walk from table to table to see and 
check if you have any problems with the topic then help to solve it with you but if you have any problems 
during online learning you should feel free to ask the lecturers.  If you have shame to ask you will have 
trouble understanding the topic. This is because, lecturers in online learning can only help you if you are
aware of the problem you are facing if you are silent the teacher will come to the conclusion that you 
already understand the topic.
      Next, the disadvantages of online learning is making it necessary for students to manage their time between work or social media. This is because as we know, online class is done online and also used internet which is also used for social media for example instagram, twitter, youtube and so on. If students are not good at distinguishing time for doing work and playing social media, at the end of the day you can learn that online learning is not effective because more time is spent playing social media than completing work

      This is all about the advantages and disadvantages of online learning. There are actually many advantages and disadvantages but for now I think that is enough explanation about online learning. I will continue this essay with the explanation of face to face classes, its advantages and its disadvantages.
                                                                   Work From Home Sticker by SoCheers
       Face-to-face learning is an instructional method where course content and learning material are taught in person to a group of students. This allows for a live interaction between a learner and an instructor. It is the most traditional type of learning instruction. Learners benefit from a greater level of interaction with their fellow students as well. In face-to-face learning, students are held accountable for their progress at the class’s specific meeting date and time. Face-to-face learning is essentially a teacher-centered method of education, and tends to vary widely among cultures.

       There many advantages of face to face class. For example, able to have 1-to-1 if any problem arises. Every learner will be different, some are very independent in the sense that if they have a problem, they will eventually solve it themselves with no problem. However, there are a lot of learners who need to be shown or have something explained because they do not understand it. So, if you have problem during online learning it will forces you to become independent and explore the problem and solve it at your own but if you learning by face to face you can simply ask the lecturers if you have problem to understand the topic.

          Next, the advantages of face to face class are you will be able to concentrate harder on your learning 
because there will be less distraction than if you were at home. For example students who have younger 
children at home, they will have a lot of distraction such as their younger sibling interrupting them by 
pressing the keyboard. As we know, kids like to play with something that they have never seen. This 
will make it difficult for the students to prepare the assignment that given by the lecturers. You also 
will become distract if you have baby at your home. This is because baby usually cry if they do not get 
what they want this will make you hard to focus during live lecture or when doing your work.
        Networking or relationship with people also the advantages of face to face classes. Students who have good bonding with friends and teachers will be more prepared for the work environment. This is because, students who study online intend to make individual work. They will work on their own without interacting with other students. This will make it difficult for this student to work later because as we know the teamwork is very important for work environment. If in your study days you have prepare yourself to work with people it will make you easier and know how to resolve or handle problem with the coworkers later.

        As usual after I explain about the advantages, I will continue with the disadvantages. So, the disadvantages of face to face class are higher cost and travel time. As I said earlier on the advantages of online learning, it saves you time and costs. So it's the opposite for face to face classes. For face to face class you need to get up in the morning and get ready to go to class. You need to manage your time wisely because if you get up late and don't have time to get ready you have to skip the class because you have to get on the bus so you need to get down earlier than the actual time the class starts.

         Face to face classes will also make you physically tired. This is because if you have a short class time you cannot go to college and have to stay in the faculty to attend the next class because you will waste time if you want to go to college because if you go back to college you also need to get on the bus. So, if you have to stay in college you need to rest at a student lounge that mixes with men and women. So, you cannot sleep as you sleep at your own room.

         Students who rent out of college need more cost to pay. They required to pay for rent, electricity bills and transportation expenses. Rental students also need to be prepared ahead of college stay so they do not get stuck in jam during morning hours. Therefore, face to face class will make students required to allocate their time and cost higher than online learning.

     The next disadvantages of face to face class are attendance times can be restrictive or inconvenient. This is because you need to be on time to class. If there is a bus left that causes you to miss class you may not be allowed to enter the class. This will make you miss the lesson that day for not being able to attend class. You may also get a letter from the faculty for skip the class but if you are studying online class, you don't have to miss the bus or get stuck in the jam as you just need to get up then open the phone or laptop then join the class. So things like skipping class or not being allowed to join the live class do not always or cannot be happen when you study online.

        So once we have figured out what face-to-face and online classes really mean and the advantages and disadvantages of online learning and face-to-face then we can decide which from this two option that I prefer. Before I say which one I prefer, I want to emphasize here that this is my opinion. So you can also make your own decisions by giving your opinions based on the advantages and disadvantages of both options.

           I want to emphasize here, I prefer face to face class rather than online learning. This is because I am a student who always needs face-to-face instruction to better understand a lesson. I'm also a student who likes to talk and study group with friend because for me this is a more effective way of learning because I can exchange ideas with friends. Learning like this can also help me to see if my understanding is wrong or right. If I was doing online class learning, I might feel that I had mastered the topic and not asked in depth which ultimately led to my misunderstanding of the topic.

          In addition, online learning also requires that one people to be proficient in technology because online learning requires students to study on the platform provided. Therefore, the student should be good at exploring the function and advantages that we can do for example how to record, how to make presentation to ask the questions that we want to ask and most importantly when we want to sign and install the platform that we need to use.

        Imagine if we were not good at using technology, this would make it difficult for us to study throughout the semester. But if we learn face to face, we don't need to have this skill because face-to-face learning in the classroom means that your lecturer will give lecture in front of the class and will help you to understand the subject more by guided you in the class. You just have to raise your hand if there are something are not understood and you just have to jot down those notes in your respective books.

        I think I also prefer face to face class over online learning because I need a learning environment at college where we can see students struggle together to complete their job or assignment given by a lecturer. When studying at home, the learning environment will decrease which will allow us to start to procrastinate our job and do the work just to get the job done, not because we want to delve deeper into knowledge.

     To conclude, these were just some points as to why face-to-face learning has many clear advantages over e-learning but e-learning is still a newly formed method and will continue to grow and maybe will improve to such a point where it succeeds compared to face-to-face learning. That all for today i will update more information about teaching and learning after this. Stay tuned🥰
                                                               leaving on my way Sticker by megan motown

Saturday 16 May 2020

glitter hello STICKER
Hye everyone!
How are you all today?? i hope you all still stay safe at home because we have to break the chain of covid-19 together by stay at home😉

I will continue to give all of you the important information about teaching and learning. Today, i want to share with you all an article about The Implementation of Online Learning in Universities. As you all know, world nowadays was infected by covid-19 that make people can't continue their work as usual. This covid-19 also infected teaching and learning because school across the world have to shut down. For your information, globally over 1.2 billion children in 186 countries are out of the classroom.

In this situation, schools have to be flexible and find the other solution to undergo teaching and learning without harming the students's health. So, to prevent the students left behind in academic, most countries start to undergo teaching and learning on digital platforms. This platforms can help teachers continues teaching students without have to met their students face to face.

I want to share you all an article about the implementation of online learning in university. This article's title is "The Difference between Emergency Remote Teaching and Online learning" but what i want to focus here is the explanation about online learning and the effective of implement online learning in University. So, i make it short to make you all understand more but if you all want to read the full article you all can click this link

Before you read a long article about online learning in university, you can watch this short video about what is e-learning. Enjoy😍

The Difference Between Emergency Remote Teaching and Online Learning

Friday, March 27, 2020

        Well-planned online learning experiences are meaningfully different from courses offered online in response to a crisis or disaster. Colleges and universities working to maintain instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic should understand those differences when evaluating this emergency remote teaching.
        Due to the threat of COVID-19, colleges and universities are facing decisions about how to continue teaching and learning while keeping their faculty, staff, and students safe from a public health emergency that is moving fast and not well understood. Many institutions have opted to cancel all face-to-face classes, including labs and other learning experiences, and have mandated that faculty move their courses online to help prevent the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19. The list of institutions of higher education making this decision has been growing each day. Institutions of all sizes and types—state colleges and universities, Ivy League institutions, community colleges, and others—are moving their classes online.1 Bryan Alexander has curated the status of hundreds of institutions.2
       Moving instruction online can enable the flexibility of teaching and learning anywhere, anytime, but the speed with which this move to online instruction is expected to happen is unprecedented and staggering. Although campus support personnel and teams are usually available to help faculty members learn about and implement online learning, these teams typically support a small pool of faculty interested in teaching online. In the present situation, these individuals and teams will not be able to offer the same level of support to all faculty in such a narrow preparation window. Faculty might feel like instructional MacGyvers, having to improvise quick solutions in less-than-ideal circumstances. No matter how clever a solution might be—and some very clever solutions are emerging—many instructors will understandably find this process stressful. 
      The temptation to compare online learning to face-to-face instruction in these circumstances will be great. In fact, an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education has already called for a "grand experiment" doing exactly that.3 This is a highly problematic suggestion, however. First and foremost, the politics of any such debate must be acknowledged. "Online learning" will become a politicized term that can take on any number of meanings depending on the argument someone wants to advance. In talking about lessons learned when institutions moved classes online during a shutdown in South Africa, Laura Czerniewicz starts with this very lesson and what happened around the construct of "blended learning" at the time.4 The idea of blended learning was drawn into political agendas without paying sufficient attention to the fact that institutions would make different decisions and invest differently, resulting in widely varying solutions and results from one institution to another. With some of that hindsight as wisdom, we seek to advance some careful distinctions that we hope can inform the evaluations and reflections that will surely result from this mass move by colleges and universities.
      Online learning carries a stigma of being lower quality than face-to-face learning, despite research showing otherwise. These hurried moves online by so many institutions at once could seal the perception of online learning as a weak option, when in truth nobody making the transition to online teaching under these circumstances will truly be designing to take full advantage of the affordances and possibilities of the online format.

Effective Online Education

      Online education, including online teaching and learning, has been studied for decades. Numerous research studies, theories, models, standards, and evaluation criteria focus on quality online learning, online teaching, and online course design. What we know from research is that effective online learning results from careful instructional design and planning, using a systematic model for design and development.7 The design process and the careful consideration of different design decisions have an impact on the quality of the instruction.
      One of the most comprehensive summaries of research on online learning comes from the book Learning Online: What Research Tells Us about Whether, When and How.8 The authors identify nine dimensions, each of which has numerous options, highlighting the complexity of the design and decision-making process. The nine dimensions are modality, pacing, student-instructor ratio, pedagogy, instructor role online, student role online, online communication synchrony, role of online assessments, and source of feedback (see "Online learning design options").

Online learning design options (moderating variables)

  • Modality
    • Fully online
    • Blended (over 50% online)
    • Blended (25–50% online)
    • Web-enabled F2F
    • Self-paced (open entry, open exit)
    • Class-paced
    • Class-paced with some self-paced
    Student-Instructor Ratio
    • < 35 to 1
    • 36–99 to 1
    • 100–999 to 1
    • > 1,000 to 1
    • Expository
    • Practice
    • Exploratory
    • Collaborative
    Role of Online Assessments
    • Determine if student is ready for new content
    • Tell system how to support the student (adaptive instruction)
    • Provide student or teacher with information about learning state
    • Input to grade
    • Identify students at risk of failure
  • Instructor Role Online
    • Active instruction online
    • Small presence online
    • None
    Student Role Online
    • Listen or read
    • Complete problems or answer questions
    • Explore simulation and resources
    • Collaborate with peers
    Online Communication Synchrony
    • Asynchronous only
    • Synchronous only
    • Some blend of both
    Source of Feedback
    • Automated
    • Teacher
    • Peers
Source: Content adapted from Barbara Means, Marianne Bakia, and Robert Murphy, Learning Online: What Research Tells Us about Whether, When and How (New York: Routledge, 2014).

      Within each of these dimensions, there are options. Complicating matters, not all of the options are equally effective. For example, decisions around class size will greatly constrain what strategies you can use. Practice and feedback, for example, are well established in the literature, but it's harder to implement this as class size grows, eventually reaching a point where it's just not possible for an instructor to provide quality feedback. In the case of synchrony, what you choose will really depend on your learners' characteristics and what best meets their needs (adult learners require more flexibility, so asynchronous is usually best, perhaps with optional synchronous sessions, whereas younger learners benefit from the structure of required synchronous sessions).
     Research on types of interaction—which includes student–content, student–student, and student–learner—is one of the more robust bodies of research in online learning. In short, it shows that the presence of each of these types of interaction, when meaningfully integrated, increases the learning outcomes.9 Thus, careful planning for online learning includes not just identifying the content to cover but also carefully tending to how you're going to support different types of interactions that are important to the learning process. This approach recognizes learning as both a social and a cognitive process, not merely a matter of information transmission.
    Those who have built online programs over the years will attest that effective online learning aims to be a learning community and supports learners not just instructionally but with co-curricular engagement and other social supports. Consider how much infrastructure exists around face-to-face education that supports student success: library resources, housing, career services, health services, and so on. Face-to-face education isn't successful because lecturing is good. Lectures are one instructional aspect of an overall ecosystem specifically designed to support learners with formal, informal, and social resources. Ultimately, effective online education requires an investment in an ecosystem of learner supports, which take time to identify and build. Relative to other options, simple online content delivery can be quick and inexpensive, but confusing that with robust online education is akin to confusing lectures with the totality of residential education.
    Typical planning, preparation, and development time for a fully online university course is six to nine months before the course is delivered. Faculty are usually more comfortable teaching online by the second or third iteration of their online courses. It will be impossible for every faculty member to suddenly become an expert in online teaching and learning in this current situation, in which lead times range from a single day to a few weeks. While there are resources to which faculty can turn for assistance, the scale of change currently being required on many campuses will stress the systems that provide those resources and most likely will surpass their capacities. Let's face it: many of the online learning experiences that instructors will be able to offer their students will not be fully featured or necessarily well planned, and there's a high probability for suboptimal implementation.                                                                                                  

PearsonHA pearson online school onlineschool alwayslearning Sticker

Online courses are generally not as effective as in-person classes, but they are certainly better than no classes. So, we can go through this together! Fightingggg! i hope you understand what i want to explain to your all today😊 See you all soon. Happy Eid everyone🎇

Friday 17 April 2020


Hye everyone,🖐

 My post today is a little bit different from my past post which is I want to talk about a very hot issues that effected the world nowadays.

                                                          Sick Earth Sticker
    A tiny virus which named Corona or Covid-19 originated from a Wuhan seafood market where wild animals including marmots, birds, bats and snakes was sold. This virus jump from animals to human that make a first case was at Wuhan, China.

    This virus was take thousands of lifes and also effected my life as a students. It started when this disease was spread to Malaysia and infect people. At 18 March, government make an announced which is the restricted movement order (RMO) that make the Malaysian have to reduce their movement to prevent this virus from spreading. At this time, students was forbidden to go to school and so do I as the university students.

    All lecturers start to run their class online. At first, I’m the one that doesn’t support this idea but when I tried to follow the lecture online I think it also give the advantages for me. I think online class teach student to explore the technology that we can use for online learning and also make students more alerts of the assignment that lecturers upload from times to times. Students also become more independent to finish their work at their own.

   Although I can see the advantages from this online learning but if I can choose either online or face to face, I still will choose face to face class. I hope this virus will be resisted and disappear one day! I really miss the college surrounding and my classmates. I can’t wait to see them! Stay safe everyone and stay healthy!! 

                                 There are some activities that i did during (RMO)


This photo is one of the activities that i planned with my hostel's friends to make a message for spreading love to against this virus together! I'm the one that hold (this) card😆

This photo was taken when we settled our first meeting online to discuss the assignment.💝💝

    I also helped my nephew to finish his homework. No matter where you are, study is a must!😎  

        We have to unite to make this virus disappears! Remember everyone, save the nation with stay at home. See youu

News Home Sticker by amandaiswandari

Monday 16 March 2020

Web tool for teacher check attendance online

Hi everyone, see you again this week.😍 How are you guys doing? Today i'll show you all another website that teachers can use nowadays. The websites name is MyAT. Stay tuned and continue reading to learn more about it.🔥


MyAT is a website that can be used to check attendance. MyAT does not focus solely on teacher use. It can also be used by managers to check the presence of employees, but this blog will focus on the benefits of this websites for teachers.



1. You as a teacher can use this website to calculate your students percentage attendance. You can get it in graph or also in number. It easier for you to give mark for attendance.

2. Using this website, you don't have to worry if you have student that come from different class. It is because you can easily add new class and submit their name again. So, you will have data attendance from all you students. As you can see in the picture.

3. This website also have grading segment that you can use to grade your student. after you grading, you also can make report for your student grade. The speciality of this website is their parent can check their child report. 


STEP 1 : you have to sign up MyAT and make an account.

STEP 2 : Next, you have to write the name of your class. 


STEP 3 : Then, you have to add your student name. It an optional if you want to write full name or only nickname. 

STEP 4 : Next, you only have to submit the name for system proceed with you data.

STEP 5 : Then, you can start check their attendance.

You also can check this video for more understanding😇



Monday 9 March 2020

Game for teaching and learning

Today i would like to show you an interesting game that can help you in teaching and learning. This is a good opportunity for students and teachers to make teaching and learning more easier. You can check the benefit and how to use this website. Continue readingg👻


Gimkit is a quiz learning game for students and teachers, created and maintained by students. After signing up, you begin by creating "kits" (live learning games) to create quizzes. Gimkit can be used in any classroom to introduce or review concepts; it's like a mashup of Kahoot! and Quizlet. The live gameplay is fast-paced and engaging like a game show, but when it's assigned for independent practice, Gimkit functions more like flash cards. Speaking of Quizlet, you can import Quizlet sets (text only) into Gimkit with just a few clicks. Using either the Quizlet import feature or the collaborative quiz-building KitCollab mode, you can create a Gimkit game in a few minutes. This makes it easy to insert an interactive review game into your lesson with minimal prep. Teachers can also use the assignments feature to give homework. You set a due date, and students work through the kit at their own pace, answering questions until they reach a set goal.



1. It has unlimited access to all task because this game is free. You not only need to pay money but you can earn money through this game as well. When a student successfully answers a question, the student will not be rewarded but given money for investment

2. Have limited edition game mode
      Another really fun thing about Gimkit is the limited edition game modes they come out with every so often! Recently, they came out with a Thanos Mode for the release of Avengers: Endgame, and they came out with 3 new modes for Teacher Appreciation Week 2019. This added some really fun new twists to the game, and it was extra fun because we knew it was only available for a short time! 

3. It has different mode such as team, individual and race. so, you can play this game as individual or team in class. This will increase your competition to win this game. If you want to fight between groups you can choose game mode. it will take time to discuss before answering the question. This game can also be played alone. if you want to test your level of understanding, this game is very helpful.


1. Help student with better understanding because gimkit has allows for questions to repeat on a random loop, allowing for more repetitions. 
It will repeat itself or you can set it as well. If the question is not answered, it will be repeated so that you can better understand the question and will not repeat the same error. It's very important to train yourself before the exam.

2. Can setting up different game mode (individual, team, race).
     In the classic game mode, you set the game to last for a certain amount of time, and at the end of that time, whoever has the most money is the winner. You can also set it up so that the game ends when someone reaches a certain amount of money or when the class as a whole reaches a certain amount of money. I generally stick to the timed games, though, so I can control how long the game lasts.

3. Can get money while learning. 
In this game you will get money if you answer question correctly. With this money you can choose to continue answer question or make investment to power up the game. If you use to power up, you will get more advantage while use this game. If you choose to continue you will have to possibilities which as get more money if you answer correctly or your money will decrease if you answer wrongly.


1. You will need to pick out a question set (a “Kit”) to use (more on that later in the post!). Once you have a set picked out, click “Play” and it will take you to the game settings. 

2. You can choose Classic (individual) or Team play. On Team play, it randomly groups students into teams and all of their money gets pooled together.

3. You can then decide what you want the goal of the game to be. You can set a time limit (whoever has the most money at the end of the time limit wins), you can make it a race to a certain amount of money (game ends when someone hits that amount), or you can set it so that the game ends when the class as a whole reaches a certain amount of money.

3. Once you have everything set up, just click “Continue” and it brings up the page that allows students to enter the game.

4. Then input the code and your username.


5. Once you start the game, everything runs itself and you can just sit back and play!



                                            ENJOY YOUR GAME AND GOOD LUCK😎

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